Pay what you can afford, pure & simple

Choose the price that makes sense for your family.


Why three prices?

Camp Deer Run has adopted a tiered pricing system so that families can choose the price that is most appropriate for their financial situation and so that we can be transparent about the true costs of providing summer camp for each camper. Every family is able to choose the tier that best suits them. The higher the tier that your family chooses, the more you help Camp Deer Run to use the generous donations of The Rafters Project and the Deer Run Family for projects and improvements rather than for paying the difference between our camper fees and our actual summer camp costs.

Every child at Camp Deer Run will receive the same experience regardless of the tier chosen during registration. Your chosen tier will not affect your camper’s summer camp experience in any way. We want every child to have the opportunity to experience God at Camp Deer Run, regardless of their financial background. If your family is sincerely unable to afford the base price, we also offer financial assistance. Learn more about our Campership program by clicking the link below.


Why do you use tiered pricing?

As the cost of providing summer camp - including summer staff payroll, food service, canteen, insurance, utilities and more - continues to increase, the natural response would be to continue increasing our prices. However, we understand that at some point, rising prices become impossible for some families to afford. At the same time, if we don't increase prices, it becomes harder for us to continue providing Camp. That's why we've introduced tiered pricing.

For the families who simply can't afford a price increase, we will keep our base price at a rate that covers roughly 70% of the cost of providing Camp for a child. Families who are able to cover more of that cost can choose the second or third tiers, which each cover incrementally more of the total cost of a camper's Deer Run experience. By doing so, these families allow us to spend less of our donated funds on bridging the deficit between camper fees and actual operating costs, and instead spend it on improvements to our programs, grounds, and facilities. 

Will my camper be treated differently based on what we pay?

Absolutely not. All campers will receive the same Camp Deer Run experience regardless of which tier they choose to pay. The same is true for campers receiving financial assistance through a campership. Every camper who walks through our gates will receive the same treatment, the same meals, the same snacks, the same activities, and so on.

There are no special benefits of paying a higher tier, and there are no penalties for choosing a lower tier. We simply ask that you choose the Tier that you are able to afford. 

What if I can't afford the Base Price?

If you can't afford Tier 1, our base level price, we offer financial assistance through our Campership program. To learn more, please click here.

Are the higher tiers considered a donation?

No, the higher tiers are not considered a donation. The best way to think of the tiers is that Tier 3 is the true price of a Camp Deer Run session. Tiers 1 and 2 are just discounted rates in order to keep Camp more accessible. 


Check out our overnight camps, day camps, and retreats to experience God at Camp Deer Run, pure & simple.

Day Camp

PeeWee day camp is for our youngest campers. Partner with us to help your children establish a foundation in Christ while having the best week of their summer!

Overnight Camp

Get outside, make friends, and experience God, pure and simple. At our overnight camps, kids unplug from the world and experience old-school, authentic childhood.


Join us for a Camp Deer Run retreat during the school year or rent our facilities for your own event or retreat. Our retreat program includes options for the whole family!